Hello, world!

Typography and design system of this site

Personal, test, multiple-tags

I am heading two

I am heading three

I am heading four

I am heading five
And, I am heading six

I am just a normal paragraph, but you must have figured this out by now. It can be bold or italic.

You can add inline code as well. It cannot highlight syntax based on language yet.

You can have code blocks as well.

const a = 10;
const b = 10;
console.log(a + b);

Huge shoutout to React Code Block by Akash for this.

You can also have normal code with pre tag like this. I am working on it's implementation though.

console.log("grainy background on code snippets look weied tho ngl");

Oh, btw, these are links.

You can add quotes as well. I am not sure when I'll use this... but better than plagarism i guess.

Hope is the weapon, survival is the victory
Dunkirk (2017)

And now something intersting... Callouts

This is default callout
This is informative callout
This is successful callout
This is error callout
This is warning callout

  1. Numbered lists
  2. are
  3. used
  4. when ther's a sequence
  5. that must be kept, or be followed
  6. or the reader must be made aware of it
  7. while reading it

On the other hand,